I also gave a talk during Sacrament meeting, it went well, I had been asked to speak on the Scriptures, and I was able to use the story of Elizabeth Scarborough in my talk. I used her as an example of how the scriptures can help us change our lives and give us the fire and motivation that we need to follow the Lord through everything. A lot of people asked me afterwards a little bit more about her life, so thanks Dad for letting me know more about her!
In regards to family history two of our other investigators were really interested in that and so I got on and showed them how they could look for their family members on familysearch.org They really really enjoyed that and are eager to find their dead relatives to add them to their family tree.
Cleide (André and Luis Felipe´s mom) has been such a trooper this week! She is stopping smoking and she has stopped!!! It is hard because where she lives everyone smokes, so she is constantly smelling smoke and being offered cigarretes. She really wants to stop and when she feels tempted we asked her to pray or read the Book of Mormon and sometimes she calls us just to get a little more strength. She also was really crazily loaded up with work this week, which was a huge blessing because she has been so busy working that she hasn´t even had a lot of time to think about it! We are really happy and are looking forwards to baptizing her!
On tuesday we had the chance to go to the temple which was fantastic as always, I woke up at 5 am to go early with some of the secretaries to try to do some baptisms with them beforehand but it was closed so we ended up serving in other parts of the temple folding clothes, it was great to serve. I love the peace that is there, it is so wonderful to really feel my Heavenly Father´s love and guidance in that sacred place. If you want to learn more about what a temple is go to: www.lds.org/church/temples?lang=eng
We have been crazy busy this week in the office and unfortunately that has meant less time in the area, but we are trying to be effective with the time that we are given to work and help our brothers and sisters. On Friday we had a Zone Conference in Sorocaba with three of the zones there. This whole week we had been preparing different projects that President had asked of us. I had prepared a graph and information that the church gives to President every month about how our mission effectiveness is with the help of Elder Ashford. It shows on average how many new investigators, investigators at church, and baptismal dates marked that we need for every one baptism. Well we did that but for every zone using the last six months. It was really interesting to see and hopefully will help them in making goals, soon we are going to be able to give it to them using the information from the last six weeks so that it applies to them more. The Zone Conference went really well, i am always amazed at how incredible President Farnes is, he truly inspires us to be better as he talks to us and there is always such a great spirit felt when he speaking with us. He really involves the missionaries. Haha also he had a surprise for us at the end, he had gotten the Meet the Mormons movie in Portuguese from the Missionary Department. it isn´t available in Brasil yet so it was so awesome being able to watch it. We loved it, the Spirit was incredible!!
Well that was our week!! We also have been having a mouse problem, they come in from our neighbors yard and have been enjoying our house. Well this week we killed three, haha it has made for some adrenaline experiences. Have a great week everyone!!
Remember to open your mouths!
Elder Carney
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